Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How to Use Your Website

The website will be used for two purposes:

  1. You will "turn in" your weekly response papers to Bill and Dan by posting them to your website@blogspot.
  2. You will build the website around your chosen/assigned classical theorist. You should begin immediately upon confirmation of your assigned theorist to:

a) Begin writing a biographical entry

b) Begin compiling an annotated/critical bibliography of your authors most important works, including links to on-line/digitized versions of these texts

c) Begin compiling an annotated/critical bibliography of important works that build upon your theorists' ideas, including links to online/digitized versions of these texts

d) Select a single article/book chapter written by your theorist to annotate/illustrate/augment with:

  1. critical commentary
  2. definitions of key terms
  3. historical and contextualizing footnotes
  4. images
  5. video.

You can digitize this early and then begin adding augmentations as you uncover them.

Note that this website/blog will account for 10% of your final grade. (You will be writing a traditional essay on Karl Marx that will account for 15% of your final grade).

Any Questions: krier@iastate.edu and wwoodman@iastate.edu

For an aging example of a multi-media blog, see sociologyreloaded@blogspot.com.